Sunday 3 February 2013

Why Malaysia has to be innovative and what is GENOVASI?
Malaysia only lived eight years to become the country's Vision 2020, the last date we put on Malaysia to become an independent industrial countries. Eight years is a short period of time, and we have a lot of work to do to achieve the goals set out in Vision 2020. The task is daunting, but necessary nonetheless. Whether we like it or not, we need to change the way we do things in business, academia, government and the community itself. Not only do we face intense competition from developing countries other hand, we also face the inevitable lack of natural resources has contributed significantly to our economy. The advantages we have enjoyed on the old economic model be sustainable, so we need to look at new materials key to take us to the next level. The government has made innovation and transformation of the core of the body forward. Through way we like NDP Innovation Malaysia, the government is restructuring the elements that need innovation to ensure that all groups in society, including academia, industry, the people and the government itself, work and move in the same direction.
To enable creators to get their creations to the market, we are looking to make financing easier and streamlined. With greater emphasis on delivery and results, grants and loans granted come with more accountability. We introduce innovative thinking skills in the education system to produce innovative workforce that can meet the future needs of the industry. Initiatives such as the I-THINK program will produce students with critical thinking skills, analytical and creative, Skill set required in an innovative society. We foster greater collaboration between business and the research community to encourage innovation-driven industries that create wealth for all players as well as the country. We also identify the areas of high strategic impact and potential national strategy to reap the benefits in terms of wealth creation and societal benefits. However, the government cannot do this alone. It can only provide the framework, direction and policies that facilitate and encourage change and cooperation in industry, academia, and the population. True effective transformation can only happen when the private sector take the lead in innovation. New ideas, initiatives and alliances naturally should come from the people who know their own area, and stand to benefit most from innovation.

Admittedly, it is difficult, but it is very doable. Conventional thinking and approaches rooted in our minds, hearts and habits. In some cases, they even institutionalized. But the transformation requires a change in culture. It demands an honest audit of our priorities and how we were doing things, and the courage to decide that they must be repaired, overhauled or even completely eliminated. It demands humility and willingness to reduce power-distance in our businesses, government bodies, associations and our family unit - a good idea and opinion constructive can come from all levels of the organization. Dynamic among every member of our community to promote, do not block the view. That is the only way to capitalize on the innovation potential of our population. Only when the spirit of change, transformation and innovation still lives in many of us will have the opportunity to realize our dreams into the National Innovation 2020.

Genovasi, a combination of Generasi and Inovasi or Innovation Generation, is the innovation organisation to propagate innovation and design thinking skills, creating services and solutions that improve the economy and quality of life. Genovasi is a unique institution with programmes focused on the cultivation of innovation competencies. Genovasi offers a human-centred learning experience to Malaysians to learn and use innovation for social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development, and to be equipped with future transferable skills to face challenges in life. At Genovasi, we envision ourselves as the starting point for innovation. Our aim is to harness talents from various disciplines and backgrounds and provide them with skills that will make them the catalysts for innovation for a better Malaysia. Together with our international partners, we offer a range of programmes that encourage a different way of thinking that will equip the innovation generation with leading innovation practices and methodologies enabling them to face challenges of the 21st Century.

Genovasi Experience:
·         Ideate
Everything starts with an idea. The processes and methodology you will learn facilitates active discussion and idea generation. You will write your ideas down and you will interview end users in order to get insights into their problems for the purpose of generating innovative ideas.
·         Create
You will create with your hands, creating tangible prototypes of your solutions and use empathy for the end user in the process. You will go through an in-depth process of creating solutions and developing prototypes to be tested with end users for feedback.
·         Innovate
Validation of solutions with end users is required for a human-centered approach to innovation. You will test and implement desirable, viable and feasible change into your innovative solutions.



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